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Board of Finance 5/15/13 Minutes
May 15, 2013

I.         CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order at 8:13 p.m. at the Avon Senior Center by Chairman Thomas Harrison.  Members present: Chairman Thomas Harrison, Vice Chairman/Secretary Thomas Gugliotti, James Speich, Dean Hamilton, Brian Stoll, Catherine Durdan, and Margaret Bratton (arrived at 8:16 p.m.).  A quorum was present.  Jennifer Worsman was filling in as the Clerk for the meeting.


The Pledge of Allegiance was waived due to post-referendum activity in the room.


March 25, 2013
The following changes to the minutes were made:  under Section VI, Item 12/13-10, 2nd paragraph, 5th sentence, change “added” to “asked why”, strike the 6th sentence, and add a sentence at the end of the paragraph which reads, “NECS does not provide GTR.”

On a motion made by Ms. Durdan, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the March 25, 2013 Regular Meeting as amended.
Messrs: Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Chairman Harrison abstained, absent from meeting.

April 8, 2013 Budget Hearing
Mr. Gugliotti commented that these are not minutes, this is a transcript.  He does not know if that is a burden on the person who is doing the work but minutes are supposed to be segments of what was said.  He feels sorry for the person that has to listen to that tape and come up with this product.  He personally wishes that we could someday have a discussion and say we no longer want or need this level of transcription.  He added that he does not take away from those doing the transcribing but we are paying for something that no rule requires it.  He marvels at the quality of what we get.  He asked for this topic to be placed on a future Board meeting agenda to talk about and revert back to what the meaning of minutes is.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the April 8, 2013 Budget Hearing as written.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

Chairman Harrison asked the Town Manager for their next Board meeting to add an item for the discussion of minutes, both public hearing and regular monthly meetings.  Mr. Gugliotti commented that he assumes that there is a tape of the public hearing and if someone wanted to hear the tape there is some period of time when the tape exists.  Mr. Harrison responded yes.

April 10, 2013 Budget Workshop
The following changes to the minutes were made: under Section II, 1st paragraph, last sentence, change “Called” to “called”; page 4, last paragraph, 7th sentence, change “really do help” to “are supported by” and change “need” to “have”; in the same paragraph, last sentence, add “future” after “if,” change “budget” to “budgets,” change “I” to “we” before “can,” and add “a” before “Board”; page 5, 2nd full paragraph, 2nd sentence, change “please” to “pleasure”; in the same paragraph, 14th sentence, change “it’s” to “its” and change “it” to “its”; last page, 1st paragraph, last sentence, add “my” before “colleagues” and change “though” to “through” and under the budget motion, add “that” before “we.”

On a motion made by Mr. Stoll, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the April 10, 2013 Budget Workshop as amended.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Mr. Speich abstained, absent from meeting.

April 22, 2013
The following changes to the minutes were made: under Section VI, Item 12/13-11, page 3, 5th full paragraph, 7th sentence, change “long is” to “longest” and “plan)” to “plan is” and add a comma before “asset”; in the last paragraph, 1st sentence, change “is” to “if.”

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the April 22, 2013 Regular Meeting as amended.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Mr. Speich abstained, absent from meeting.


12/13-06        FY 13/14 Budget:  Set Tax Rate (26.32 Mills)

Chairman Harrison reported that we are here tonight to set the new tax rate at 26.32 Mills as warranted by the budget as submitted.  Mr. Gugliotti reported that the raw vote was 812 in favor, 248 opposed and under the 9% figure required by the Charter at 8.7% of the registered voters who voted.  He added that had the vote numbers rejected the budget it would have passed because of that Charter provision.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance set the Tax Rate at 26.32 Mills.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Stoll, and Speich and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

12/13-14        Supplemental Appropriation-Emergency Management Performance Grant

The Town Manager reported this is a follow-up from the Board’s last meeting when this item was tabled.  He asked Steve Bartha, Assistant Town Manager, to give a quick overview.  The Assistant Town Manager reported that the two components to this supplemental appropriation request were for additional hours in the Building Department for fire inspections and support with updating the Emergency Operations Plan, approximately $7,500 and would have increased both positions’ hours to 22.5 through the end of the fiscal year.  He noted that this was anticipated back in March so if approved tonight there would only be roughly 6 weeks left in the fiscal year so it is unlikely that the funds identified as being available to get through the end of the fiscal year would all be used so whatever is not used would fall back to Fund Balance.

The Assistant Town Manager reported the second component is for equipment and professional development: a live shooter training with Police, Fire, and the schools to be scheduled and some costs associated with that would be food, props, and potentially compensate the school bus company if buses are used for the simulation; this is the highest priority at $1,000.  The second priority, a problem that we have had in recent storms, is in our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) where there is virtually no wireless capability so you have people bringing in Verizon boosters, etc.  He noted that we have wireless boosters in various parts of Town in Building #1 and the Department of Public Works, the cost for one booster is approximately $500.  This will allow people in the EOC with laptops and smart phones the ability to connect with the State and with each other.  The third priority, which is also $1,000, is a replacement of the aging laptop that the Emergency Management Director uses during emergency operations.  He noted that $2,500 was the total for the second component for those three items in priority order as identified by Mr. DiPace.  Mr. Gugliotti asked if the $500 for the wireless booster is a one-time cost or a yearly service cost.  The Assistant Town Manager responded he is 99% sure that is a one-time cost because it is for the hardware and would become part of our 10 megabytes of usage per month.  The Assistant Town Manager noted that if the live shooter training costs more than $1,000 the laptop falls off the list.

Mrs. Bratton asked if we could take the money that we may not be using now with the extra hours and move it towards the laptop if we go over in the first and second requests.  The Assistant Town Manager responded that you could but that is not anticipated.  Mr. Speich asked if the training does not occur this year for whatever reason if it would have to be resubmitted for next fiscal year.  The Assistant Town Manager responded historically that has been the case.  Mr. Gugliotti asked what the total is that the Board is approving.  The Assistant Town Manager responded it is $9,879.00 and that is the available funding in the State reimbursement.  He noted that one of the problems with this grant is that the State is often delayed in acting on the reimbursement requests to the Town.

On a motion made by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 12/13 Budget by increasing:
General Fund, Intergovernmental, EHSM1 Emergency Homeland Security, Account #01-0330-43385 in the amount of $ 9,879.00 ($8,679.00 EMPG & $1,200.00 7/12 Hurricane Exercise)
and increasing
General Fund, Fire Prevention, Regular Part Time, Account #01-2201-51012 in the amount of  $7,340.00 for the purpose of paying additional part time hours to Emergency Management staff and General Fund, Emergency Management, Professional Development, Account #01-2501-52155 in the amount of $2,539.00 for the purpose of professional development.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

V.      TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT – No items were presented.

On a motion made by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance add “Communication from the Audience” as agenda item VI and move “Adjourn” to item VII.
Messrs: Harrison, Stoll, Gugliotti, Speich, Hamilton, and Mmes: Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.


Mr. Stokesbury, liaison for the Board of Education, reported that the Superintendent of Schools recommended and the Board of Education approved hiring of a new Avon High School principal this past Monday night.  Chris Tranberg will be joining us from the Simsbury school system where he has been for approximately ten years, first as a music teacher, then Music Art Coordinator and has been serving for three years as Assistant Principal at Simsbury High School.  He is some new light to us, a younger gentleman, and we look forward to his enthusiasm.  He will be starting in his new position as close to July 1st as he is released by Simsbury.  He noted that his salary is controlled by the Administrators’ Contract and not negotiated.  Mr. Gugliotti commented that as noted in the press release Mr. Tranberg is studying for his doctorate.  Mr. Stokesbury responded that he has finished his classroom work on a doctorate and will develop dissertation on it now.  Mr. Gugliotti commented that is very good.  Mr. Stokesbury reported the search committee was made up of Board members, school community members, and the greater public of which he opted out of that due to other obligations he has on the Board.  Mr. Gugliotti complimented Mr. Tranberg’s background in music arts.  Mr. Speich asked about Mr. Tranberg’s salary and it not being negotiated.  Mr. Stokesbury responded that it is a union position and the salary slot has a range that Mr. Tranberg would come in under.

Mr. Stokesbury reported that the Board of Education still has a search committee ongoing for the Director of Pupil Services – Special Education.

Mr. Stoll asked if the search for the principal at Pine Grove School has started yet.  Mr. Stokesbury responded that it has not.

Mrs. Bratton reported that at the Board of Finance’s previous meeting she asked a question about the encumbrances on the Board of Education financials; it could be presented at their next meeting.


On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Stoll, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m.
Messrs:  Harrison, Stoll, Gugliotti, Speich, Hamilton and Mmes: Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest: Jennifer Worsman, Substitute Clerk
(for Mary Marinello, BOF Clerk)